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Aspiradora- A Cleaning Robot

Back in 2018, we had made a robot "Aspiradora: A Cleaning Robot" for which we won the best project award at the university. So, here we are giving you ideas about how to make "Aspiradora".


KATHMANDU: In 2016, 900 sweepers clean Kathmandu every day but dust remains unsettled.

Therefore the usability of Electric Road Cleaner machines have to come in practice to clean dusty roads.

This project is based on the “CLEAN NEPAL” theme that works on the principle of suction of waste and it can be controlled by using smart-phones or remote. Before entering this project I would like you to describe the basics of electric vacuum suction road cleaner.


1) To make a well managed electric road cleaner that is controllable through smart-phones.

2) Clean the dusty road without using sweepers and broom.

Why the device is important in the context of Nepal?

As we all are familiar with the background and condition of roadways in our valley. We know that many governmental constructions are being carried out for the development of Nepal but due to some ineffective approach, the roads nowadays are full of dust and unmanaged left out. So to minimize some issues regarding environmental health and situation we have made this device that is easy to handle and portable, can be accessible to a larger area if used effectively.

Device exploration in great event AVISHKAR 18:

There were many presenters from renowned universities like TU, PU, and KU. We, the first year/first semester group of 6-students made this project and presented it for 2 days in Robot Demonstration Section at Kathmandu University. And we stood for the first position, first prize with the immense support of audiences participated and viewers and a merit vote conducted by the organizers and judges and made to win the title and the winning prize of NRs. 10,000.

You can make your own Aspiradora by following given methods:

Step 1: Construction of vacuum suction.

1.   Take an ordinary bottle of 1.25L and cut it into three pieces.

2.   Adjust a fan with a motor attached to the base piece of the bottle.

3    Keep the middle part of the bottle as it is and fit the upper piece to the suction pipe.

4.   Power the fan with 5V supply, it rotates in the clockwise direction. The positive suction is created resulting in the dust particles sucked into the bottle. Similarly, the anticlockwise rotation of the fan is used for the outlet of dust particles.

Step 2: Frame of the Aspiradora

Fit the constructed vacuum suction bottle to the base of the Aspiradora frame containing four wheels for acceleration.

2.   Connect the motors of four wheels to the motor driver.

Step 3: Connect the whole setup to Arduino UNO with a Bluetooth device and control the system by a smartphone

Components needed:
  1. Arduino UNO
  2. DC Motor
  3. L298N Motor Driver
  4. HC05 Bluetooth control

Step 4: Programming section

At first, upload the program and then only do the above setup with Bluetooth device, Arduino and motor driver.

int motor1=8;
int motor2=7;
int motor3=6;
int motor4=5;
int ENA=9;
int ENB=3;
int x;
void setup()
void forward()
void backward()
void left()
void right()
void stop()
void loop()

You can adjust your own speed by changing analogWrite(ENA,120)  to 130 or 150 or so on. But the range should be 0 to 255. similarly change for analogWrite(ENB,120).

For Bluetooth setup download the Arduino Bluetooth application from the play store. Install it on your smartphone. connect HC05 Bluetooth with your mobile by inserting a password 1111 or 1234. 

Now configure the settings for buttons as:
  1. Forward button: 1
  2. Backward button: 2 
  3. Left button: 3
  4. Right button: 4
  5. Stop button: 5

 In this way, you can successfully make and operate Aspiradora. If you have any queries about this project, you can contact us at nasaelectronics@gmail.com. We will be glad to help you.

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If you have any doubts, Please let us know.

Also you can visit my newly made freelancing account to make your project done at low price.
